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Computer Science Week Ideas and the Hour of Code

Computer Science Week Ideas and the Hour of Code

Theme Days:

1. "Pixel Day"

Concept: Students dress up in clothes with pixelated designs or create their own pixel art badges.

Educational Aspect**: Teaches the basic idea of pixels and how digital images are formed.


2. "Code is Poetry"

Concept: Students can wear T-shirts with famous programming languages or coding quotes.

Educational Aspect: Familiarizes students with coding languages and the concept that coding can be creative.


3. "Historical Programmers"

Concept: Students come dressed as famous figures in the history of computer science (e.g., Ada Lovelace, Alan Turing, Grace Hopper).

Educational Aspect: Introduces students to the pioneers of computer science and their contributions.


4. "Future Tech"

Concept: Students dress up as what they think technology professionals or devices will look like in the future.

Educational Aspect: Encourages kids to think about the future of technology and innovation.


5. "Binary Day"

Concept: Students wear black and white to represent the binary system (0s and 1s).

Educational Aspect: A simple yet effective way to introduce the binary number system, which is foundational in computer science.

Of course, here are three more theme dress-up day ideas to add to your Computer Science Week celebration:

6. "Robot Day"

Concept: Students dress up as robots or wear clothing with robotic designs.

Educational Aspect: Helps students understand the role of robotics and automation in computer science and technology.

7. "Webmaster Wednesday"

Concept: Students can dress up as their favorite websites or web concepts (like cookies, browsers, or HTML tags).

Educational Aspect: Introduces students to the basics of web development and the Internet.

8. "Gaming Gear"

Concept: Students can wear clothing featuring their favorite video games or even dress up as characters from these games.

Educational Aspect: Highlights the role of computer science in game development and encourages discussions about how games are programmed.

Classroom Ideas

  1. Learn AI
  2. Free Projects from Beyond Technology Education
  3. Hour of Code Optional Activities by Subject by Eva Cwynar (@evacwynar) / X
  5. Hour of Code Ideas | ScratchEd
  6. Digital Escape Room
  7. K-Caesar Cipher Activity

School to Family Ideas

  1. Promote with a banner outside of school pickup/dropoff
  2. Promote on Social Media
  3. Promote in the school newsletter and share ideas on how the whole family can code together (Turn off the TV and code!)
  4. Have a family or school-wide Dance has teamed up with musicians like Katy Perry, Shawn Mendes, Lil Nas X, Panic! At The Disco, Jonas Brothers, and many more for a NEW dance party coding activity that students will flip for.
  5. Have the family Animate their name in Scratch- Scratch is a free, block-based programming language created by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at MIT. In this tutorial, students can animate the letters of their name, initials, or a favorite word.
  6. Encourage students to teach family members and friends to code by using one of the links above
  7. Show staff and administrators coding and posting everywhere! 
  8. Encourage family members to post pictures of their coding and tag your school


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