Memories from Day 2 at ISTE 2013 with Beyond Technology
Day 2 of the ISTE Conference and “overwhelmed” seemed to be the word of the day, not just from us, but from everyone we talked to! There just seemed to be so much to see, so much to learn, and so many people to meet! Lots of information, tips and hands-on demonstrations. And if you like to network and meet people, there were folks from all 50 states and over 70 countries!
The keynote speaker that day was Steven Johnson who talked about where great ideas come from. He emphasized how innovative learners solve problems by borrowing ideas from multiple fields and how this collaboration leads to creative solutions. Rick, Veronica and I, again, decided to divide and conquer. Our focus seemed to be on learning more about Windows 8, Google and platforms for BYOD. It is good to see that many of the web tools and iPad apps that are being used and recommended are tools and apps that we are already using in our classroom integration projects and professional development. We have been on the “look out” for new and interesting ways to use some of these tools. We also found out about education at the national level, and possibilities of getting involved in Connected Educator Month in October.