The State of the Union Address Addresses the State of Education

Inspiration, hope, happiness, opportunity. These are words that can easily describe how many Americans felt after watching the 2016 and final State of the Union Address by President Obama.

Everyone should put their politics aside and watch this historical moment in time. I believe this address will live in history as a pivotal moment in our nation's history. Of particular interest is near the end when President Obama addresses all American people directly and challenges all of us to change the system.


I believe this address will live in history as a pivotal moment in our nation’s history.

It's similar to the challenge I posted back in February, 2014 then again in November, 2015 that highlights the fact that decisions we make today will impact the future. CBS news has it broken into three videos. Video one, video two and video three. I encourage everybody to watch it with your families, students and friends and find your own unique positive message. I know I did.





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